Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Poem of the Day

The Meaning of Existence

Everything except language
knows the meaning of existence. 

Trees, planets, rivers, time
know nothing else. They express it 
moment by moment as the universe. 
Even this fool of a body
lives it in part, and would 
have full dignity within it 
but for the ignorant freedom 
of my talking mind.

by Les Murray

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Batman Begins


I recently started watching a movie a day to fulfill my movie list. My movie list is a long list of movies that I have acquired over a year from hearing about peoples commentary or asking me if I have watched certain films. I needed to get back to watching movies, so I complied a list.

My lastest viewing, "Batman Begins." I heard good commentary about the Dark Knight series, so I figured I'd give it a shot!
I have never been a fan of comics as a kid because I was never fascinated by it, but I thought I'd give Batman a chance. 

Batman Begins didn't do it for me. The storyline  acting, special effects were great, but it's nothing I would rave about. I'm not sure if it's because I haven't completed the series? Like I said, I'll give the rest of the series a chance.

I will be giving another report on my thoughts about, "The Dark Knight", and "The Dark Knight Rises."